Sending payments to bank and refunds to customers

Sending payments to bank and refunds to customers

In the Payment Module, you can send payments to vendors and you can send refunds to customers. AutoBank uses the field for "Preferred Bank Account Code" when making payments. This field can be found on both the Customer Card and the Vendor Card. You will find more about this topic in Sumango Autobank - Setup.

How to do payments to vendors or refund to customer?

From the Role Center - Select “New Payments”:


Click “New” to create a new export:


Choose the correct “Bank Account” and choose “Vendor” as the Source Type:

If you want to make a refund to the Customer, choose Customer as the Source Type:


Two buttons that can be used to collect payments - Add payments or Get Ledger:


These buttons will collect Vendor or Customer record based on which filter you have selected on "Source Type". In the example below, we have chosen Vendor, but it works in the same way if you choose Customer.


Select “Add Payments” (most commonly used), then filter all payments that are due up to the date selected in "Last Payment Date":



Here you can filter by Date, Vendor, Currency Code, etc. It is possible to filter on one or more parameters simultaneously. Please note that some entries may be omitted if you enter several selection criteria.


When you select filters, you filter on fields from the Vendor Card.

To filter only NOK payments, you can put ' ' (two single digits) in the currency field.


Get Ledger

If you select "Get Ledger", a list of all open vendor invoices is displayed. In this table you can only get one payment at a time. Select the line to be presented and press OK to get the line into the payment proposal:

[Bildet må oppdateres med transaksjoner, osb-docker- og sum-docker-basen må settes opp med bank]


The Payment List (picture below) can be sorted by clicking on the column heading, you can remove or add lines as long as the export has the status "New". You can also go directly to information about the individual item.

[Bildet må oppdateres med transaksjoner, osb-docker- og sum-docker-basen må settes opp med bank]


Click "Manage" to select dimensions, view the ledger entry, mark as rejected or choose to delete a line.

[Bildet må oppdateres med transaksjoner, osb-docker- og sum-docker-basen må settes opp med bank]


By clicking on "Show more options"

you may i.a. click "Select More" to choose more lines in the selection.

[Bildet må oppdateres med transaksjoner, osb-docker basen må settes opp med bank]

You get an overview of how much will be paid out, as well as how much is overdue. You will also be able to see the total balance outstanding and the total balance due.

When paying with several currencies, the individual currency will be specified with the correct amount.

[Bildet må oppdateres med transaksjoner, osb-docker basen må settes opp med bank]

If it is desired with a different payment date than selected in the system, you can change the "Pay date" per voucher field on the line. You can also change the "Amount" to be paid if desired to part pay.

[Bildet må oppdateres med transaksjoner, osb-docker basen må settes opp med bank]


“Payment Code Abroad” is a required field for currency payments. This must be set the first time you pay a vendor, but it will be saved for the next time, and can be changed.

[Bildet må oppdateres med transaksjoner, osb-docker basen må settes opp med bank]

When all the lines are ready to be exported, select “Export to bank”:

The export will now change its status to "Exported bank" and it will no longer be possible to edit. The lines have the status "Waiting" - see explanation of statuses:

Read the user manual for Payments - Clearing, statuses and rejected.



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