Once the transactions have been sent to the bank, you can see what status they have under Bank (Return Payments).
Choose “Get Response”
Here you see the status of the files: whether they have been Sent, For approval / check at the bank, Approved, Settled or Rejected (with code for rejection).
Different status codes are received from the bank, and can be displayed as follows: [BILDET MÅ OPPDATERES]
Rejected items can be moved (Move rejected) to new export, where changes can be made before they are sent to the bank again.
Usikker på om tekst og informasjon “henger” sammen her…. trenger hjelp…
“Choose Process - Post” to post the payments that have been settled. [TEKST OG BILDE UNDER MÅ OPPDATERES]
Read the instruction for Sumango Autobank - Incoming Payments.