Oseberg E-Invoice PEPPOL BIS - Development Guide

Oseberg E-Invoice PEPPOL BIS - Development Guide

In the Oseberg PEPPOL solution, you can customize your data output using Events. Contact your Business Central partner for implementing custom code.

If you have questions regarding your customization needs, please contact Oseberg Support for assistance.

Extension Development

For customizing the extenison output, On Line and On Prem, you must use events.


In your app.json file, please add dependency on the app:

    {       "id": "49206e10-c889-400d-8465-bde6555e00fc",       "publisher": "Oseberg Solutions AS",       "name": "E-invoice PEPPOL Bis",       "version": ""     }

Factoring example

When using factoring, you will often need to change your paymentid and bank account according to your Factoring Vendor. You can do this by using the following code:

   [EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"OSB_PEPPOL_Management", 'GetPaymentMeansInfoOnAfterEvent', '', true, true)]     local procedure "OSB_PEPPOL_Management_GetPaymentMeansInfoOnAfterEvent" (     SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header";     var PaymentCounter: Integer;     var PaymentCount: Integer;     var PaymentMeansCode: Text;     var PaymentMeansListID: text;     var PaymentChannelCode: text;     var PaymentID: Text;     var PrimaryAccountNumberID: Text;     var NetworkID: Text;     ProcessedDocType: Enum OSB_Peppol_ProcessedDocType )     begin         PaymentID = GetCustomPaymentId();     end;     [EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"OSB_PEPPOL_Management", 'GetPaymentMeansPayeeFinancialAcc_OnAfterEvent', '', true, true)]     local procedure "OSB_PEPPOL_Management_GetPaymentMeansPayeeFinancialAcc_OnAfterEvent"     (         SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header";         var PaymentCounter: Integer;         var PaymentCount: integer;         var PayeeFinancialAccountID: Text;         var PaymentMeansSchemeID: Text;         var FinancialInstitutionBranchID: Text;         var FinancialInstitutionID: Text;         var FinancialInstitutionSchemeID: Text;         var FinancialInstitutionName: Text     )     begin         PayeeFinancialAccountID := GetCustomPayeeFinancialAccount();     end;


Altering AccountingSupplierParty nodes is done with these events.

[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::OSB_PEPPOL_Management, 'GetAccountingSupplierPartyInfo_OnAfterEvent', '', false, false)] local procedure OSB_PEPPOL_Management_GetAccountingSupplierPartyInfo_OnAfterEvent(SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header"; var SupplierEndpointID: Text; var SupplierSchemeID: Text; var SupplierName: Text) begin end; [EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::OSB_PEPPOL_Management, 'GetAccountingSupplierPartyInfoBIS_OnAfterEvent', '', false, false)] local procedure OSB_PEPPOL_Management_GetAccountingSupplierPartyInfoBIS_OnAfterEvent(SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header"; var SupplierEndpointID: Text; var SupplierSchemeID: Text; var SupplierName: Text) begin end; [EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::OSB_PEPPOL_Management, 'GetAccountingSupplierPartyPostalAddr_OnAfterEvent', '', false, false)] local procedure OSB_PEPPOL_Management_GetAccountingSupplierPartyPostalAddr_OnAfterEvent_SetFromPartner(SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header"; var StreetName: Text; var SupplierAdditionalStreetName: Text; var CityName: Text; var PostalZone: Text; var CountrySubentity: Text; var IdentificationCode: Text; var ListID: Text) begin end; [EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::OSB_PEPPOL_Management, 'GetAccountingSupplierPartyLegalEntityByFormat_OnAfterEvent_V2', '', false, false)] local procedure OSB_PEPPOL_Management_GetAccountingSupplierPartyLegalEntityByFormat_OnAfterEvent(SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header"; var PartyLegalEntityRegName: Text; var PartyLegalEntityCompanyID: Text; var PartyLegalEntitySchemeID: Text; var SupplierRegAddrCityName: Text; var SupplierRegAddrCountryIdCode: Text; var SupplRegAddrCountryIdListId: Text; IsBISBilling: Boolean) begin end;


When additional information is needed in the xml, use AdditionalDocumentReference tag.


Role Tailored Client

Implementing the Role Tailored Client is version specific as Microsoft has developed the sending routines in the NAV versions. Please follow the guide regarding your NAV version.

NAV 2016

NAV 2016 has two ways of sending documents. Either using Print button or “Send…” button.

Send button

For using “Send” or “Post and Send..” button you need to implement some code in standard NAV.

Please add the following code in Table 60.

Add event procedure:

Modify Send procedure:

Print button

Implementing the print routine or other business logic:

  1. Add codeunit 15027002 OSB_PEPPOLExportBis30 as a variable.

  2. Call the function with the appropriate document
    boolean := OSB_PEPPOLExportBis30.DocumentSendingPrint(SalesInvHeader);
    IF the customer is qualified for PEPPOL the procedure sends the document and returns true.
    If the customer is not qualified for PEPPOL it returns false, so that another channel can be used.

OSB_PEPPOLExportBis30.DocumentSendingPrint handles table id’s 112,114,5992,5994

Menu Suite

Add page 15027000 as part of the menu suite.

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