Archived Utvidet funksjonalitet i appen NvtQ

Archived Utvidet funksjonalitet i appen NvtQ

Multichannel will allow you to:


  • Move e-mail from BC to our accesspoint, giving you better feedback on recipient status

  • Smart e-mail - If the attached document in the mail is not opened withing a certain time period the document will be sent as a print istead

  • Print - Reduce cost and effort by outsourcing sending of print documents to our accesspoint and their partner Stålfors

  • E-invoice - Have your invoices sent directly to the recipients bank as a E-invoice

  • Direct Debit - Pre agreed charge from customer on recurring charges like member fees, subscriptions etc

  • Override default functionality and force sending of e-mails to customercard instead of contactperson


Multichannel is not an out-of-the box solution, reach out to our support for more details and to get started with your required setup

  • E-mail will require some small addition to your domains DNS to allow for sending on your behalf

  • Print will require test documents to make sure the format matches Stålfors envelopes

  • E-invoice and Direct Debit will require coordination with financial services

When we have a complete specification on your setup we will get back to you with pricing and delivery time, minimum delivery time for most Multichannel options is two weeks.


Automatic sending of posted documents

Some of our PEPPOL app users have requested functionality that allow for automatic sending of posted documents, and we listened! This is an advanced feature and we ask that you contact our support before you enable this jobqueue.

Automatic sending can be based on document sending profiles, if for instance you have a customer group that shouldnt receive you can apply a seperate sending profile for the group and exclude them.



Forberedelser :
Under bokførte dokumenter må man sjekke om det er dokumenter som ikke skal sendes via jobbkø, disse må markeres med “ikke send”


Last changed: Jun 12, 2023