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Mandatory setup on Customer card

There are two mandatory fields that needs to be filled in on the Customer Card:

  • Set Document Sending Profile > OSB_PEPPOL

  • Set Vat Registration no


ELMA check on customer card

When you add Customer VAT Organisation number, it will be automatically checked against the ELMA register.

If the VAT organisation number exist, you will see the message:


If the VAT organisation number is invalid or doesn’t exist, this message will appear:



Table of Contents

Obligatorisk oppsett på kundekort

Følgende felt må være fylt ut for å sende dokument som EHF:

  • Profil for dokumentsending > OSB_PEPPOL

  • Organisasjonsnr.

  • Land / Områdekode

  • Komplett adresse til mottaker (om det ikke finnes en gateadresse skriv inn “N/A”)

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ELMA oppslag fra kundekort

Mottakere av EHF vil være registrert i PEPPOL / ELMA registeret, appen kan ptt. kun sjekke Norske, for utenlandske kan man sjekke Peppol Directory - Search

Når du skriver inn på kundekort gjøres det en automatisk sjekk mot ELMA og profil for dokumentsending vil oppdateres.

Vi har laget en egen artikkel om sending fra / til utlandet; Sende til mottakere utenfor Norge

Hvordan sende EHF via PEPPOL nettverket

Create a new Sales Order or open one you already have

  • Mandatory field: Your ref

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Attachment can be added before or after posting, but before sending, in both Sales Order or Sales Invoice, either via Oseberg Dokument, or standard attachment function:

  • Click on “Documents” to upload attachments


  • or “Details” for drag-n-drop box

  • From the “Detaljer” pane you can click on YES/NO do define if the document should be attached to the PEPPOL document and be sent to the recipient.

  • Supported attachments types if sent through PEPPOL are: .xls/xslx, .pdf, txt/csv, png/jpg , other filetypes can be added for internal use, but not sent via PEPPOL.

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Go to “Posting” on the main menu > Post and Send

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A new window will pop up, click YES.

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The invoice is now sent as PEPPOL.

Sales Invoice and Sales Credit Memo has the same mandatory field and the same way of sending the document.

How to check the PEPPOL status

Go to your Role Center, find the tiles “Oseberg E-invoice PEPPOL Status”. These tiles are available for Users with Profile ID “Business Manager” and “Accountant”:


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It’s two buttons for checking status.

The one in the front will check for status on all documents that have no errors, and check latest status on the documents in the tile “Sent to document exchange service”.


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The second button is to check documents with errors, click on the red error “tile” to open document list:

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Documents in error status should be manually checked and updated. They can be resent or you can manually change the status in the error list to “Sent to document Exchange Status”. The document will then be moved back to the “sent to Document Exchange Service” queue, and will now be checked and get updated status when you click on “update exchange status” on front.

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You can also check sending status in the list “Posted Sales invoices”:


Search for “Peppol Status”


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Posted Sales Invoice and Credit Memo has a status field “Documentation Exchange Status”.

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There are three statuses:

  • Sent to Document Exchange Service

  • Error

  • Delivered to sender

If something went wrong during the sending, you’ll see a red text “Delivery Failed” click on the red text to open a dialog box.

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Click on the ”Detailed info Available” to download an error log with more detailed information (TXT-file)


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If the error is caused by missing setup like Unit codes, Country code etc. you will be able to correct the setup and then resend the document.

Jobqueue for updating status on documents

From the PEPPOL app you can enable a jobqueue that checks for changes periodically.

In the PEPPOL app, press “async jobqueue”

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You will be redirected to a new jobqueue, for most of our users, changing settings is not required, enable the queue. Default settings will have the app check for changes once every hour.

Should the jobqueue for some reason fail and go into errorstate you will receive a notification about this in your rolecenter. Follow normal procedure to identify why the jobqueue failed, correct and restart the queue. Contact support if you are unable to solve the problem, if the jobqueue fails, it will not affect sending of documents, only the automatic update of status, it can still be manually checked.

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